How to Know When It’s Time to Walk Away with Dr. Gabby Pelicci

pleasure & profits salon Apr 19, 2021

I’m super excited to announce our first guest in the Pleasure & Profits Salon!

Dr. Gabby Pelicci is a leading expert on Holistic Medicine, Author of Blissful Business, TV Host at The Health & Wellness Channel, and Expert Wellness Blogger at MindBodyGreen, Huffington Post and Thrive Global.

She’s traveled to 40 countries, worked with thousands of clients – including celebrities and high profile people – and has more than 2000 hours of training in yoga, bodywork, meditation and energy healing.

She’s the founder of Women in Wellness and has more than a decade of teaching experience under her belt at top universities in Mind-Body Medicine and Holistic Health. Her expertise is regularly featured in National and Local Media such as MSNBC, The New York Post, and U.S. News & World.

Dr. Gabby is also my comrade in the 1000 Days of Pleasure challenge you’ve seen me sharing on Facebook & Instagram.

Check out the episode, where we be talk about why we’ve embarked on the challenge PLUS, how to identify when you’re in a growth opportunity worth sticking around for and when it’s time to walk away.

More Impact, Profit & Pleasure Awaits...


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