
Trust that all will be revealed in the perfect way, with perfect timing.

You don't need to see the whole path to begin.

We are constantly learning and can only/always make the best decision possible with the information we have in the moment.

Make the best decision for you, right now.
These offerings are best suited for Established Entrepreneurs who:

→ Have been in business for a minimum of 3 years

→ Have developed foundational operations, marketing and sales systems

→ Have built a team of either freelancers or employees

→ Are generating revenue from one to many or recurring revenue offers

→ Are ready to grow their profitability and impact without: 

  • Working more hours or sacrificing their wellbeing
  • Losing the personal touch that makes their work unique to them
  • Losing their purpose or their vision
  • Using mis-aligned or creepy marketing and sales tactics 

→ Are ready to shift from operator to CEO

→ Want to create bigger impact in a way that is more sustainable, more satisfying, and more profitable

→ Are consistently generating between $50,000 and $150,000 per month in revenue

If that describes you, and you're looking for an experienced strategist and mentor who can help you create a plan for the evolution of your business and support you through the challenges that inevitably arise along the way then let's explore how I can support you.

Satisfaction Strategy Intensive

Part strategic planning, part deep dive vision exploration. All designed to increase your impact, profit & pleasure.

Your private Satisfaction Strategy Intensive is custom designed to help you craft a plan for your business and life that’s intimately aligned with who you are, what you value, and how you want to show up in the world—in a deeply integrated and satisfying way.

Satisfaction Strategy Mentoring

Creating a beautifully integrated way of being and working that’s aligned with your deepest values requires focus, patience, time, and (above all) support.

Satisfaction Strategy Mentoring includes exactly what you need to maximize your impact as a global visionary — with the sustainable strategies that fully support you ​and​ your desired lifestyle.

Coming Soon!

→ Pleasure & Profits Live Experience

→ VIP Leadership Development Days

→ Emergence Mastermind


Not Sure Where to Start?